SC-SAR714 control panels are user friendly automatic, and configurable instruments, useful for controlling irrigation engine driven pumpsets in any environment.
SC-SAR714 control panels automatically start and stop the pumpsets, protect them by means of the connected and controller-generated alarms, and visualize the most relevant values.
Nº BASIC FUNCTION INDEX 1 Pre-crank control Starter / Preignition 2 Battery charger alternator primer D+ 3 Pump crank control Crank / Bendix 4 Fuel control Electrovalve/ Shutdown solenoid 5 No water in suction alarm setup Low discharge pressure alarm 6 Communication with the operator Display / Ligths / Alarm output 7 Operation mode locked Safety key 8 Delayed stop Programmable Nº MEASURING INSTRUMENS IN THE DISPLAY 1 Remaining time Minutes until pump stop 2 Voltmeter Battery voltage (V) 3 rpm Engine running speed 4 Hours-counter Pump maintenance Nº ENGINE & PUMP PROTECTIONS 1 Fail to start 2 Fai to run / Unexpected stop 3 Low fuel level 4 Low oil pressure 5 High engine temperature 6 Engine over-speed 7 rpm signal loss 8 Battery charger loss 9 Battery under-voltage 10 Battery over-voltage 11 Emergency shutdown pressed 12 Optional alarm 13 Maintenance 14 Low pump discharge pressure 15 No water in suction 16 Pump discharge pressure no OK 17 Unexpected operation