SVE Corp. dedicated to the “design, development, manufacture and sale of: control products for generation and pumping equipment; and development, distribuition and support of software and firmware for the associated industrial environment” assumes the following principles that make up its INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT POLICY, specified in:
To obtain the QUALITY in the accomplishment of its activities and development of its works reaching the maximum SATISFACTION of our CLIENTS by means of the implantation and maintenance of a system of management of the quality according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
- RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Being aware of the main environmental impacts generated by our activities and acting accordingly, assuming the commitment of ELIMINATION OF CONTAMINATION and DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT, through the environmental management system implemented in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
- MANAGEMENT OF SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, as a basic principle for the control of our risks, and the best performance of the health and safety of the people who work in the company every day, assuming the commitment to PREVENT INJURY AND HEALTH DAMAGE related to work, for which we have implemented and maintained a management system in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 standard.
In relation to these principles, and for the optimum development of the same:
– We are committed to meeting not only our VOLUNTARY REQUIREMENTS but also those of our clients, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements, both in the area of quality and especially those related to environmental aspects and occupational risks in the performance of our activities and services, maintaining an attitude of permanent vigilance and adaptation of these.
– We encourage the PARTICIPATION of the staff in the management system, and we establish actions that go in the direction of getting to increase the MOTIVATION of the employees, their TRAINING, as a basic element of permanent update and adaptation, their IMPLICATION and the COMMUNICATION between the different members of the organization, including the periodic CONSULTATION of its members.
– We integrate criteria of QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT AND SECURITY from the planning, to the development, execution, monitoring and review of all our management processes.
– We use the MANAGEMENT SYSTEM as the main tool to implement these principles and improve the efficiency of our organization.
– We are committed to continuous management that seeks to ELIMINATE DANGERS and REDUCE RISKS to the health of our workers, as well as third parties that may be affected by our activity.
This Integrated Management Policy is:
– Approved by the Management of SVE Corp., thus expressing its commitment to continuous improvement and Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at work; as well as its commitment to provide the necessary resources for the proper functioning of the system.
– Periodically reviewed, at least in each of the Management Reviews carried out annually.
– Communicated to all personnel, ensuring that it is understood, and to interested parties, as well as to the public who request it.
– The reference framework for the establishment and review of the improvement objectives proposed by the organisation, the monitoring of which allows the effectiveness of the integrated management system to be assessed.
Management SVE Corp.
Date Approved: 01/10/2020